Johnny Cash’s Easy-To-Make Pineapple Pie Is Deliciously Unique


Veronica Howard / Facebook, Pop Culture and Nostalgia / Facebook


Johnny Cash’s Favorite Cake

Johnny Cash is an American icon. Not only have his hit songs like “Walk The Line” and “Folsom Prison Blues” continued to shape music and culture, but his persona in itself is iconic.


In regards to his music and image, it’s no secret how impactful Johnny Cash has been. Believe it or not, however, Johnny Cash has also been iconic in another, little-known way: food!

In the past, we’ve shared Johnny’s deliciously decadent chili recipe. If you’d like to learn that recipe and make it yourself, you can click here.

If you’re in the mood for something sweet instead of something savory, we’ve found a recipe for a pineapple pie that Johnny loved– and it’s his mother’s recipe!

Wanna learn how to make it yourself? Let’s get started.

Pineapple Pie

This recipe has been shared all over the internet, so luckily we know all of the ingredients and steps necessary to make this deliciousness.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need to get started:–sdsYr7ux2fG44_Zq9-RurAs3yYzacNyFxgFJO4FZfNATlfYye7S_IjoemD6P6SoFZTXua2WXhfJOSdzyIab6pXTPsscd_vBRLbz_IZ1ORyH89tO1i0rV9occcuw5PjspcqtoFenxHguDEqORyFwN7Qq1rzBh23_o4g_ETpLpexX8FbhsEB9hllxhwRdZdYuTkYXQQiI0vEV1pKNK7xV36igjAIEg99jPic9cXx3UwSK_7MnBEOV_juRJrCGcPkvyVIjdhaEofxdS5oAOtbedMSrRgchUvlKJKSMkWWbEgxRYmbAQDVbLEKCABY0gtwn0-tCGkdDT44T0ODjJe8djE_KzPkS_bcYa3JpYE55PpWZCD4EmMQoHaOqTttrnPGo_sD5XWp7JJTrSmQCUEIjiBLVNlICqAyZ_eRjsKDnoP2PlYbs0E4s8SqCl9aS9tyR3fEVIW&theater

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Beat together all of your ingredients, pouring it into an unbaked pie shell. Bake it for 50 minutes or until set, then let it cool.

Once it’s cooled, serve it up. Try it once, and you’ll want pineapple pie as often as possible. It’s beyond delicious, and Johnny would definitely want to join you at the table.
