You’ll Never Guess What This $4 Crate Is Made Of


Jeri-Ann Henson / YouTube


Finding the perfect wood crate to display some of your favorite things isn’t easy. Does it match the decor? Is it the right size and shape? Most importantly, is it affordable?

YouTuber Jeri-Ann Henson creates her own crate for $4. It looks like an expensive wood crate, but it’s really just foam board and contact paper from the dollar store!


It looks like any wood crate you’d buy for way more at your local furniture store. After watching this video, I realized making it costs so much less and is so easy.

I decided to give it a go. The contact paper really makes it look like the real thing. I was super impressed with the end result!

Jeri-Ann decides to go with wood here, but you can easily find contact paper in a variety of other prints including different types of stone. The possibilities with this project are countless.

All you need to do for this rectangular crate is cut 3 equal rectangular foam pieces and two equal square pieces. Then you cover the foam in your contact paper.

This crafter snips a slit where the corners are to make laying the paper down easier.

Once you stick the paper to the foam, you can glue the foam pieces together and add whatever decorative elements you want, like fake screws or handles. That’s it, you’re done!

Watch Jeri-Ann transform some dollar store finds into a decorative crate below. Be sure to share this idea with your friends!