Watch Drawings Come To Life By Making Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk


Martha Stewart / YouTube


Drawing outside with sidewalk chalk was always something you did during the summer growing up. Even when you grow up, playing with chalk can still be a lot of fun.

So when you throw a science experiment into the mix, it’s even more fun. With just a couple of ingredients you probably have laying around, you can make chalk that comes to life on the pavement.


Here’s what you need:

  • 1/2 cup corn starch
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • Washable craft paint
  • Water
  • Vinegar in a spray bottle
  • Squeeze bottle

First, mix together your corn starch and baking soda. Then add your water until it has the consistency of craft paint. Add in your washable craft paint to color the mixture, mix it together, then put it in a squeeze bottle.

Take your squeeze bottle with the paint and your vinegar in the spray bottle outside. Use the squeeze bottle with the paint to make whatever design you want, then spray the vinegar over it and watch it fizz!

When you’re done, all you have to do is rinse it with water. I had a ton of fun with this stuff, and it was perfect for making during the summer!

Are you going to give this a try?