Unique Fabric Texturizes This Floral Pillow Like Magic


SewVeryEasy / YouTube


I love creating my own pillowcases. Over the years I’ve created everything from simple pillows to crazy over-the-top pieces I only leave out for a season.

This pillow is one of my favorites. It’s perfect for spring, summer, or fall, looks beautiful, and includes a really cool material that not enough people use in their sewing.


It’s called “Texture Magic” and it’s a type of fabric that shrinks once you iron or steam it. That means anything you sew on it will shrink with it, giving it a puckered, textured appearance.

For a lot of sewing projects, people aren’t always looking for puckering. For pillows, however, it’s absolutely perfect– especially if it has a giant flower on it!

All you need to do is create some petals, a center, and a basic pillow case. Do this how you normally would with regular fabric, then sew the Texture Magic in between it and another piece of fabric.

Iron or steam it, then watch it come to life!

For more specifics, watch Laura’s tutorial below and get started on your own pillow case, then see what else you can do with this shrinking fabric!