Irish Spring Hack Keeps Bugs Away From RVs & Campers


Campkin's RV Centre / Facebook

Toronto Fall RV Show / Facebook

Summer is almost over, meaning you sadly are probably thinking about closing your trailer, camper, or RV off for the season. When you’re not using it, unfortunately, little critters try to.


Your RV is a place for family and friends to have fun during the summer. It’s not a place for anything or anyone else.

Instead of letting ants, roaches, moths and more make your RV their new home, there’s an insanely inexpensive way to prevent it. Go to any drugstore or grocery store and you can get it for super cheap.

What is it, you ask? Irish Spring barred soap. I know, it sounds crazy, but it’s actually a perfect way to ward off all sorts of bugs.

Campkin’s RV Centre / Facebook

Apparently, critters hate the smell of this stuff. You can grate it up or even just leave out the bars, and your critter count will be greatly reduced by next season.

Mint oil works just as well for this, because the scent is so strong that the critters will hate it… just like Irish Spring!

With each bar of soap being as cheap as it is, you’ll easily be able to afford this hack. Over the years, I’ve learned additional super cheap hacks that work well, especially against mice. 

Other super cheap hacks work for warding off mice include mothballs, cloves, and bounce sheets are just a few examples. Fill your camper up with stuff like this and you’ll be good until next summer!

Check out the experiment below that proves how well this works. Cool, huh?