Triangles & Diamonds Make This Rhombus Table Runner


Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube


Believe it or not, creating a quilt out of a ton of little cubes can actually be a breeze. It looks like quite an intricate pattern, and from afar it is, but with the right technique, it’s simple!


Jenny Doan from Missouri Star Quilt Company recently made a tutorial for a quilt like this, but she decided to take it a step further and make it into a table runner.

Now you have the beautiful pop of the rhombus quilt on your dinner table. It’s easy to make and super gorgeous!

In order to create this table runner you will need 4 colors/patterns of fabric. Using solids for the cubes will give it a bit more dimension, especially if you use different shades of the same color.

What you’ll need is the following:

Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube

If you spilt the cubes into two sections, it makes stitching and piecing a whole lot easier. What you’ll be cutting to make these strips are diamonds and triangles. That’s it! Simple, right?

Jenny Doan from Missouri Star Quilt Company uses a pre-made template to create her strips, but you can easily make your own from some cardboard or thick paper/plastic.

Change the colors as you see fit, then get to stitching! You’ll want your triangles to be exactly half of your diamonds (maybe slightly larger for a seam allowance,) and then make one strip.

Your strip will be alternating diamonds and triangles back and forth. Then you’ll do the same thing to another strip, and add those strips together.

Really, it is that easy. Check out Jenny’s video below and see for yourself!