The Solution For Dry Fall Skin Tastes Like Pumpkin Pie


Nicole Tanneberg / YouTube


When I think of fall, I think of two things: pumpkins, and how dry and flakey my skin gets. As much as I love all of those pumpkin drinks and desserts, I’m not a fan of the dry skin.


Believe it or not, there’s a way to combine those delicious pumpkin desserts and a fall skin remedy into one. It’s a DIY face mask by licensed aesthetician Nicole Tanneberg, and it’s amazing.

All you’ll need to make this mask are 3 sweet treats that are all over supermarkets right now:

  • 1/4 cup organic pureed pumpkin
  • 1 tbsp. raw honey
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar

It’s as simple as mixing the three ingredients together in a bowl or a dish, painting it on your face, and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off.

From there, wash your face of all pumpkin, and follow up with your usual skin care routine. Your skin will feel moisturized, clean, and soft, even with all of the crazy weather changes.

Plus, the pumpkin and honey have a ton of properties that are great for your skin.

Even better? It doesn’t matter if you accidentally get a little bit of this in your mouth because it tastes delicious. In fact, I kind of ate what was leftover in the bowl once I was done. Don’t judge me.

Try this mask once, and it’ll be your fall mask DIY of choice.