Surprise– The Most Beautiful Embroidery Technique Is Also The Easiest


HandiWorks / YouTube


Embroidery is an art form that fell off for a while, but it’s becoming more popular again. It’s truly back with a vengeance– even teenagers are doing it now!

Even if you’re a massive embroidery fan, you may not have ever tried silk ribbon embroidery. Trust me, if you haven’t tried it, you really have to.


Silk-ribbon embroidery is a romantic old art that uses ribbon, embroidery floss, and perle cotton to work beautiful floral motifs and decorative stitch patterns by hand on garments and accessories.

Even a novice embroiderer can create elegant patterns with some simple stitches. I’ve found that just five basic stitches can create a large array of floral motifs and stitch patterns.

The ribbon stitch is for ribbon only, but the lazy daisy, straight stitch, French knots, and stem stitch can be made with ribbon or thread. All five create a stunning result.

My daughter and I really got into this type of embroidering and we love how different it is from embroidering with embroidery floss. You’ll see when you give this a try!

Watch how Handiworks does this in their step by step tutorial so you can learn. Even if you don’t want to learn, you’ll want to see what they come up with!