Personalize Farmhouse Book Stacks Using Only Dollar Store Materials


Whiskey & Whitt / YouTube


Complete Your Home

Whiskey & Whitt / YouTube

Nothing completes a coffee table or a set of shelves quite like a nice stack of books. What books those are can say a lot about you and your family, so choosing the right stack is essential.


Instead of looking everywhere for the perfect stack of books that reflect your personality, there’s a super cheap way to make those books yourself and have them match your personality to a T.

This dollar store DIY comes from Whiskey & Whit on YouTube, and her method is super simple to do. You’ll absolutely love making these, and it’s the decoration your home is missing.

How It’s Done

Whiskey & Whit / YouTube

First, you need to gather your books. Dollar stores and thrift stores probably have identically sized and shaped books for less. Remember: it truly does not matter what the contents of these books are.

If you grab your books in paperback, you’ll be removing the front cover like Whiskey & Whit does. If it’s a hard cover, just remove the outer sleeve (if there is one).

Now on to building the covers you actually want. For both the paper backs and hard covers, just paint everything with the chalk paint of your choice. Make sure to make it opaque with multiple coats.

Once that’s completely dry, Use some letter stamps and some darker paint to stamp out a set of words or a phrase across the books.

When the books are completely stacked up how you want, it will say exactly what you want them to. So cute! That, and you can personalize it even more.

You could leave them simply like this, but there is more you can do to completely personalize this. Whiskey & Whit uses twine to tie these together.

For a girlier or more elegant look, you can use ribbon or something else. She also puts some faux greenery within the twine. When it comes to what you put in, it’s totally up to you!

Check out the video below to try a hand at making your own. It’s super easy to do and you’ll definitely love the end result, guaranteed.

Good luck!