Once You Taste Delicious Bacon-Cornbread Stuffing, Nothing Else Will Do


Everyday Food / YouTube


A well done stuffing makes Thanksgiving in my opinion. There’s nothing more delicious with turkey than an accompanying stuffing.

Personally, I think I found the best stuffing recipe on the planet. It’s a cornbread stuffing, which is already all kinds of delicious, but then they added bacon.


The recipe is from Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, and Sarah Carey shows you how to get it done.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees F. Spread your cornbread and bread on a baking sheet, then bake them for about 15 minutes to dry them out and give them a bit of color.

In a skillet, cook your bacon over medium heat until the fat from the bacon has rendered out and it’s crispy. Add your vegetables, then cook until tender.

From there, you’re going to assemble your stuffing in a casserole dish, like Sarah describes in the video below. For more specific instructions, click here to see the written recipe.

Most importantly, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy!