LUSH is Releasing A Bath Bomb With Ariana Grande & I’m Screaming


Ariana Grande / YouTube, lush_jack / Instagram, Ariana Grande / Twitter


If you’ve seen Ariana Grande‘s “God is a woman” music video, you were probably just as mesmerized as I was. There were plenty of iconic moments, but nothing compared to the one with the colorful water.

Ariana is seen in lilac, lavender, blue, and pink body paint, floating in a tub of matching water. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to float in it too. It was almost too pretty.


It seems like other Ariana fans felt the same way, because one fan tweeted LUSH Cosmetics asking for a “God is a woman” bath bomb… and they responded.

“…hints of royal blue, mint green, and lavender, which melt in water to mimic the effect of body painter Alexa Meade’s rainbow swirls.”

Ariana Grande / Instagram, lush_jack / Instagram

LUSH is already on its second prototype for the dreamy bath bomb, and I couldn’t be any more excited. Obviously, Ariana feels the same way.

Once it’s Ariana approved, LUSH assures fans that this beauty will be hitting the shelves. Even though I don’t know what the ingredients or scent are yet, I can’t wait to feel like a goddess in my bath!

When LUSH drops this bath bomb, will you give it a shot?