How To Make A Sock Mouse for Christmas

Learn to make this DIY Sock Christmas Mouse

My children get very bored over the holidays and thigs can easily go haywire at a moment’s notice, so to keep everyone on track, I keep boxes of projects that I can pull out and put in the middle of the table and seat them quietly all round to focus their attention on their own creative spirit. I keep a few boxes of sock projects on hand and one of my favorites is the DIY Sock Christmas Mouse. This is such a cute, fun project, everyone from old to young love it. You get started by simply filling a white sock with rice and tie it off, then squeeze the top part together, making a head for the adorable Christmas mouse.


Learn to make a cheap easy fun Holiday sock Christmas Mouse

Then you simply dress him in a hat made from a mitten end and add his costume details. I curt round circles in pink and white then pinched them together at one end and glued them with the hot glue gun to make his ears.

Adorable Christmas Mouse DIY from old socks

You can see how much fun you will have embellishing this adorable little guy, there is no right or wrong way to do this. I cut a little scarf out of felt and used a pom pom for his snout, then cut little pieces of stiff leather for his whiskers, and rubbed some blush on his cheeks to make a rosy cold-weather look. The possibilities are endless.

Make a DIY Cheap Quick Christmas Mouse Out Of Socks


I can’t tell you the fun the kids and I had making this DIY Sock Christmas Mouse, he was cheap and easy and the funniest thing was the fact that I realized I think I enjoy these projects more than the children!

How To Make A DIY Sock Christmas Mouse