Crockpot or Stovetop Holiday Potpourri Recipe

Holiday stovetop potpourri recipe crockpot

I love the smell of potpourri, especially during the holidays, because all your Christmas decorating is not quite complete without this sweet and spicy scent filling your home with potpourri this holiday season. I found this quick and easy way to make Homemade Stove-Top Potpourri on Youtube and had to try it immediately. You just add 2 to 4 cinnamon sticks, some whole cloves, one-half cup to one cup fresh cranberries, one sliced orange, one-half teaspoon of dried nutmeg, three to four of pine, and fours cups water apple or orange juice.


Easy stove-top potpourri recipe

Then you just bring it to a gentle boil and let simmer on top of the stove uncovered all day or however long you desire. You may need to add more water throughout the day or a little more orange or apple juice. you can also make this in the crockpot, it will work beautifully.

Holiday stovetop potpourri recipe crockpot

I love this recipe because not only is it a gorgeous old-world Christmas, it is the most effective way to rid your house of any unwanted odors. Recently I visited an elderly gentleman who had five dogs, the dogs were very sweet, but the house was so smelly. I had the ingredients in my car because I had just been to the store, so I went out and got them, then started this Homemade Potpourri on the stove for him. I was amazed because I really got to see the odor killing abilities of all the ingredients, especially the orange, pine, and cloves. The smell was almost immediately sucked out and absorbed by the potpourri. He was so grateful and even his little doggies were jumping for joy.

Homemade Stovetop Or Crockpot Potpourri