Festive Champagne Jell-O Shots Ring In The New Year Right


Tipsy Bartender / YouTube


Do New Year’s Right

When New Year’s Eve is on its way, you know it’s time to prepare the alcohol. Everyone loves a little party to ring in the new year, and Jell-O shots and champagne are the classic ways to do it.


Or, you can go all out and combine them into one spectacular thing: champagne Jell-O shots. All of the amazingness of a Jell-O shot, all of the amazingness of champagne… all in one shot.

It’s super easy to make, too, so there’s no reason not to make them to ring in 2019! Wanna know how? Let’s get started.

The ingredients you’ll need are:

  • champagne
  • ginger ale
  • boiling water
  • sugar
  • unflavored gelatin
  • for garnish and ingredient amounts, watch Tipsy Bartender‘s video below

Mix It Up

Follow the directions on the gelatin packet, adding the boiling water to the gelatin and allowing it to fully dissolve. Add the sugar next, and stir this until it’s fully dissolved as well.

Allow this mixture to cool completely, then add the champagne and the ginger ale, stirring well to combine. Pour your mixture into your molds and let them set completely. The fridge works well for this.

Garnish like Tipsy Bartender shows in the video below, and you’re ready to celebrate!