DIY Tire Swing

Learn To Make A DIY Tire Swing

As a child growing up on a bayou in South East Texas, we had a tire swing in our backyard and it used to swing way out over the bayou and when I saw this DIY Tire Swing on Youtube I knew it was time to make one of these for my family. The basic making-of is really simple, but this tutorial also gave the tire swing some cool updates like a coat of paint and even a pillow! I got my tire from a little tire shop in town and went straight to work.

I first drilled some holes in my tire by measuring the circumference of the tire then dividing that by three and marking those three spots and drilling. Then you feed your rope through and use a Crosby Clamp to hold your rope in securely. You can also use a knot like the old days as well.

Learn To Make A DIY Tire Swing


Then you paint your swing right before you put the ropes in

Learn To Make A DIY Tire Swing

This swing reminds so much of my childhood. My brother and his friends would jump off of it, but someone had to be on the bank catching the retuning swing to fasten it securely to the tree where it was tethered otherwise it would get stuck overhanging the middle of it’s coarse and someone would have to dive in and get a stick, then flick it back up to someone on the bank. Let me tell you, we didn’t want that to happen! What memories!

DIY Tire Swing