DIY Pine Cone Fire Starters

Learn to make a DIY Pine Cone Fire Starter

I just installed a new fire pit in my backyard and I really love it, what I don’t love is the difficulty I face every time I have to light the fire. There are others in my house who seem to have no problem, but I can’t say the same for myself. I certainly don’t want to feel that whiny person always asking someone else to do something for me because I’m seemingly incapable of getting it together myself. A friend of mine was having the exact same issue with her firepit and she found the golden answer, DIY Pine Cone Fire Starters! When she sent me this DIY for the Pine Cone Fire Starters on Youtube I had to get her over to the house as soon as possible so we could make a batch for the Winter Season. She arrived the next morning and we got cracking on these fire starters. First, we went to Michael’s Craft Store and bought one-hundred-fifty pine cones, a spool of flat braid wick and a lot of paraffin wax. We started our project by wrapping the flat braid wick completely around the pine cone starting at the base of the cone itself.


Learn to make these quick easy fire starters using pine cones

Then we just had so much fun making our wax by customizing our colors and adding Christmas fragrances. Then we grabbed the pine cones by the long wick we left dangling and dipped, dipped, dipped until we got our desired thickness of the wax coating.

Try these cheap DIY Pine Cone and Wax Fire Starters

We dipped our way into the early hours of the morning but we had a blast and we aren’ ever going to ask anyone to help us ever again.

DIY Pine Cone Fire Starters