“Cutting Corners” Quilt With Half Square Triangles


Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube


Upon first glance, you’ll probably think that the “Cutting Corners” quilt by Missouri Star Quilt Company is made out of simple half square triangles, but you couldn’t be more wrong…


Jenny Doan takes the simplicity of the half square triangle and kicks it up a notch by making half of that square out of a strip set!

That’s right, just sew together a strip set of your choice to create a pattern, cut that into squares, then stitch up your half square triangles as you normally would.

Here’s what you’re gonna need to get that done:

Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube

Make sure your strip set squares are the same size as your plain background squares before you stitch up the half square triangles. This is crucial, or else you’ll destroy the stitching.

Jenny uses two large squares of the same size and puts them right sides together. Sew them twice diagonally to opposing corners. This will create an “X” shape in the center.

Then, you’ll cut along the “X” (but not ON it) in order to create 4 half square triangles. How easy is that? 

Watch Jenny whip up this quilt in the video below, then give it a a shot yourself. Add some gorgeous free motion stitching, and the quilt becomes even more beautiful!

What fabrics are you going to use?