Beautiful “Dandy Stars” Quilt Couldn’t Be Any Easier To Make


Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube


Dandy Stars

Have you ever seen a quilt that was so gorgeous, you just had to try making it, even if it looks kind of difficult to do? This “Dandy Stars” quilt fit the bill, but luckily, it’s not as hard to make as it looks.

Jenny Doan from Missouri Star Quilt Company stitches up this easy quilt, and I was shocked as to how easy it really was. Just take a look at what you need below, and you’ll be stunned.


Here’s what you need to get started:

Missouri Star Quilt Company / YouTube

Stitchin’ It Up

This quilt is probably one of the most intricate-looking that you’ll ever see, but it’s insanely easy to do. There are two simple blocks that create this, and they’re both effortless to make.

One of the two is simply a half square triangle, and the other is a square of fabric with two of the corners switched out. From doing these, all you have to do is arrange!

The majority of this quilt is made from the corner pieced blocks, and the diamonds in the middle that offset the pattern are made from the half square triangles. Watch Jenny assemble for more details!

To get this gorgeous quilt started, watch the video below, then get to quilting your own. It’s super easy to do, and it’s sure to become one of your favorites to make!

Good Luck!