5 Sewing Habits That Make Your Projects So Much Easier


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Sew & Tell

Whether you’ve been sewing for years or just picked up a needle and thread for the first time, it’s always a good idea to develop sewing habits that get you the best results possible.


So with that in mind, let’s get started on these tips. They’re guaranteed to make your sewing life a whole lot easier!

Here’s 4 tips YouTuber Evelyn Wood came up with, and one of our own. To see her 5th tip, watch her video down below.

Tip #1: Always Take Your Foot Off The Pedal

This is obviously for safety reasons, but if your hands are near the needle, get your foot off the pedal of the sewing machine. You’ll avoid accidents now and in the future!

Tip #2: Keep All Of Your Pieces Of Fabric Right Side Up

Keeping all of your fabric facing the same direction makes it easy for you to avoid sewing mistakes. If you know everything is right side up to begin with, it’ll move things along faster as well.

Tip #3: Trim & Press As You Go

Trimming and pressing as you go ensures that when you sew the next section of your garment or quilt block, the fabric is exactly where you need it to be. 

It also makes sure the end result is clean and trimmed in every possible place it needs to be!

Tip #4: Never Leave Your Bobbin Case Empty

If you accidentally start sewing without a bobbin, we all know what happens. It’s a mess nobody wants to deal with. With that in mind, leaving a bobbin in the machine fixes that in a flash!

Tip #5: Keep A List Of Useful Tips You’ve Learned

If there’s a tip you think has helped you a ton, write it down! Keeping a list makes it possible for you to reference it whenever you’re sewing, and you’ll have those tips even when you forget them.

Good luck and happy stitching!