5 DIY Upcycled Wall Art Ideas


TheSorryGirls / YouTube


DIY art is some of my favorite things to make. Not only is it easy, but it’s personalized and beautiful, so why not make your own?

TheSorryGirls have come up with 5 ways to upcycle old art and other items into wall art. They’re all genius and I know you’ll love them. Here’s how it’s done.


Thrift Store Fringe Mirror

TheSorryGirls / YouTube

Unframe a thrift store mirror and use some fringe pieces to layer on the back. Layer them up until you get your desired effect.

TheSorryGirls layer theirs in 3 sections, creating a cascading look on the final product. Watch their video below to learn more about how this is done, and how to hang it.

Old Image With Weaving Quote

TheSorryGirls / YouTube

Unframe a super old image from the thrift store and cover the portion you want to keep untouched with masking tape. Then, paint or write a quote over the image.

Once it’s dry, peel it off and you’re ready to go. Super cute!

Circular Yarn Hanging

TheSorryGirls / YouTube

Using a floral ring, tie on some yarn and paint them as you see fit. They make there’s into a fun ombre effect. It’s super gorgeous!

Let the paint dry and then you can hang it up however you see fit.

Blocked Section Art

TheSorryGirls / YouTube

This may be the easiest DIY there is. Just unframe your art, then paint over some sections to give it some pizazz. Once it dries, reframe and you’re ready to go.

Organic Canvas Color Block Art

TheSorryGirls / YouTube

Take a canvas and paint a base color, making sure it isn’t too perfect. From here, let it dry, then paint other random colors in little streaks and blocks on top.

Once that dries, it’s ready to go, and it ties in everything in whatever room you hang it in!


Check out the video below and get started on your own!