3 Amazing New Year’s Eve Photo Backdrops


LifeofFallon / YouTube


The Ultimate Backdrop

With the new year almost here, it’s time to make sure the ultimate party is being planned. No New Year’s party is complete without the perfect photo op.

So make your own backdrops! It’s incredibly easy to do, is relatively inexpensive, and adds so much pizazz to any party you’re throwing.


There are a ton of different options for a backdrop, but LifeofFallon breaks it down to a few super simple ones in her video below. Here’s how to do them.

The Balloon Wall

Just take a white sheet and blow up a ton of balloons. Safety pin the end of the balloons to the sheet, and you’ve got a balloon wall!

The Year Backdrop

Get a black tablecloth and some number balloons for the year (2-0-1-9 for 2019, for example). Hang up the backdrop, pin your balloons, and it’s done!

Streamer Wall

If you want to have a little more sparkle, pin some streamers to the wall. Fallon buys a strip of them that are connected, making it the easiest backdrop ever!


You can adjust any of these to fit your taste, or you can combine them into one ultimate party backdrop. No matter what you choose to do, it’ll look perfect on New Year’s Eve!

Happy New Year!