2-Ingredient DIY Play-Doh Can Keep Anyone Occupied For Hours


Play Doh Kitchen / YouTube


As a little girl, I loved Play Doh.

Who am I kidding? As an adult, I love Play Doh. It’s super fun and relaxing to mess with, keeps anyone mesmerized for a super long time, and now, you can make it at home!


Making Play Doh is super easy. There are a ton of recipes out there for this stuff, but my favorite recipe is no bake, 2 ingredients, and smells amazing.

All you need is conditioner (pick a scent you love!) and some corn starch. You can add some food coloring too, if you want the finished product to be a certain color. The exact recipe is:

  • 1 cup of conditioner
  • 2 cups of corn starch, plus extra if you want to change the consistency
  • A few drops of food coloring (optional)

Mix together all of the ingredients until you get it to your desired consistency, and you’re all done!

Have you made homemade Play Doh before? What’s your go-to recipe?